Sunday, November 2, 2008


I started this blog last spring for a couple of reasons. One, I had the feeling that posts on Lightbender, my other blog, would slow in frequency after I completed the period of active studio work around my sabbatical last year. That has proven true. I'm not working much in the studio at the moment (although I have a piece nearly finished, and will post it when it's done).

I also wanted a place to show some photos that weren't part of my regular studio work, images that might never be seen by anyone otherwise. I've enjoyed this blog for that reason, among others. When I was posting Halloween themed photos last week, it struck me that some of them really weren't great photos, but I was posting them because they fit the theme. I've done something similar a fair amount on this blog, actually. I tend to post photos I connect with, regardless of their quality. For the next few days, I'm going to push that idea a little. I'll be posting photos that are technically poor, with obvious mistakes, poor composition, etc. They are all photos I really like, regardless (or maybe because of) their flaws.

Today's photo was taken in the South Loop area of Chicago, with a little point and shoot digital camera. For some reason, it didn't focus properly, but I really like the lack of focus here. The colors are intense, and it has an Impressionistic feel to it.

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